Current Position
Assistant Professor (tenured)
Department of Econometrics and OR
Tilburg University
Research Fellow of Netspar (Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement)
I am one of the organizers of the QFAS Workshop (Quantitative Finance and Actuarial Science) at Tilburg University (with Anne Balter and Nikolaus Schweizer).
Moreover, I am the webadministrator of the Environmental Economics Seminar at Tilburg University (with Etienne Lorang).
Research Interests
My current research focuses on various aspects of environmental macroeconomics with overlaps to macro finance and asset pricing. Conducting both theoretical and empirical research, I am keen on analyzing how climate change affects financial markets and the real economy. I am particularly interested in how carbon taxation triggers the transition towards a low-carbon economy and how it changes the investment behavior of market participants towards more sustainable investment opportunities. Moreover, I also study dynamic asset allocation and optimal insurance demand of private households in the presence of adversity (e.g., biometric risk, climate risk, transaction costs, surging energy prices, …), where I employ techniques from actuarial science. My research has been published in journals such as International Economic Review, Journal of International Economics, European Economic Review, or Journal of Banking & Finance.
Contact Details
e-mail: C.Hambel@tilburguniversity.edu
phone: +31 134668908
office: K 513